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Feather Step International Style
Posted by quickstep
2/7/2007  6:48:00 PM
Jonathan. What are your thoughts on this. The Dancesport Championship from Australia televised on Tuesday. In the Amatuer Division there were many international top dancers competing. Watching the start of the Feather Step in both the semi final and the final. It was possible to count and wind back count another couple and so on. The couples I counted six in all. I only saw one couple do the normal Feather Step timing. That was a Chinese couple.They appeared to go into the Reverse Turn late. It even looked out of time. All the others did an introductory step on beat 1. with the remainder of the Feather all quicks, which makes the first step of the Feather a quick, instead of what is normaly a slow. The event was won by Germany's top couple.
In your Learn the Dances. I love the clicking on the screen to get the big picture. Great.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  6:59:00 PM
You still haven't figured it out, Quickstep.

The feather will carry over into the second measure exactly as far as the prep step carried into the first measure. Different couples may have different carryovers, but nobody dances with the abbreviated timing you accurse them of.

There is no shortening the feather to three quicks - if you actually time the interval, you will see that the feather gets a full four beats.

They just aren't beats 1-4 of the first measure.
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by quickstep
2/7/2007  7:11:00 PM
I was asking Jonathan.
You Anonymous do not have a tape obviously. If you have you are incapable of counting. The four quicks are also being used after a Change of Direction which allows us to keep in phrase with the music and not dance on 34 12.
So that I know you understand. How would you do a Change of Direction into a Feather Step and be in phrase..Tell me or shut up..
Re: Feather Step International Style
Posted by Anonymous
2/7/2007  7:20:00 PM
"I was asking Jonathan."

Try doing some searching then and you'll see what he's already said on the subject.

"You Anonymous do not have a tape obviously. If you have you are incapable of counting."

Get yourself over to your old thread and look at the numbers, measured off of world-finalist competitors (the first being my best guess at who YOU were nominating as an example) that I posted.

Still trying to argue with those INDISPUTABLE FACTS???

"So that I know you understand. How would you do a Change of Direction into a Feather Step and be in phrase..Tell me or shut up.."

Quite tossing in extranoues issues to cover you own mistake.

For the recond, I would dance my last step of the COD (if going into a feather) essentially the same as my prep step when starting the dance.

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